Forbes and Fifth

Letter From the Editor, Volume 2

By picking up this second volume of Forbes & Fifth, you have discovered a convergence. As you pore through these pages, you will see the result of dedication to a common goal: the establishment of a meeting ground for inspiration. Though all of our editors hail from different backgrounds, we have come together to create a crossroad between previously parallel paths.

You have stumbled upon the result of a year’s worth of unfaltering devotion. We have evolved enormously since our editors’ initial convening in January, 2012. Gathered into a room together for the first time, we knew nothing about the adventure upon which we were about to depart. One year later, we have produced two powerful compilations of visionary works.

Our debut issue, originally dubbed a trial, was a resounding success. Within one year, our scope has expanded to include submissions from all schools within the University of Pittsburgh, and our subsequent volume will embrace submission from schools nationwide. And, in January, 2013, the online component of Forbes & Fifth will become active.

You hold in your hands a magazine where all submissions are given equal consideration. Your obsessions – whether they include music, poetry, archaeology, translation, computer science, biology, some combination of these, or otherwise – may fnd a home within this magazine. We strongly encourage any and all submissions driven by enthusiasm.

You have unwittingly enlisted in a legion of interdisciplinary rebels. We are a conglomeration of expertise, a rendezvous of curiosity. We have been separated by disciplines, yet remain united by passion.
    You transcend limits.
    You overstep barriers.
    You can see beyond the horizon, and we welcome you into our

Hail to Pitt.

The Editors

Volume 2, Fall 2012